Life Lessons of a Billionaire

 A little throwback to my yachting adventures years and years ago…

Last night of charter Mr X demands the crew sit down with him and sip on a tequila. He promptly gives us his theory on how to live a successful and, more importantly, happy life. Thought I would share it:

1. Find out what you really really enjoy doing. 90% of our lives are spent at work and if you love something you will succeed and become an expert at it; money will come after. Say you looove… tuna farming, says X, you will become the best tuna farmer in the world. Why spend 90% of your time working unhappily (and most likely unproductively) to be able to spend the remaining 10% doing what you love? Logic.


2. Next, discover something you like other than tuna and do that too in your spare time. Make sure you have spare time. If you don’t, tuna will take over your life and you will end up hating the smell of those little tuna fish or… turning into a tuna.

3. After you have done all of that find someone who is better at tuna farming than you and, hard as it is, know when to hand over the fish. Give somebody else the reins (or rod, in this case).

4. Lastly, find a person to share your moments with. This person must be able to make you laugh uncontrollably at things that aren’t funny. Laughter is non negotiable.

Sardegnian Seas

Poignant words that have stayed with me.